From the Ashes: A Blog is Reborn
You have all waited so long.
And you have been oh so patient.
The time has finally come, my friends.
We are back from the dead, to display
our enmity for that team out east, to
curse the most boring team ever to
play our mighty game.
Yes, the season is on, and another year
of Hating must begin.
But first, a rebirth -- or rather, a
rebranding. We all know the importance
of acronyms, and this site hasn't had
one worthy of its repute (I Hate The
New England Patriots becomes IHTNEP,
not a pleasant mouthful if there ever
was one).
And so, a subtle rearrangement:
I hate the New England PaTriots,
or rather, in its full-frontal glory, INEPT.
Look it up in the dictionary, dear
Hatriot fan, and you will learn what this
site is really all about.
And you have been oh so patient.
The time has finally come, my friends.
We are back from the dead, to display
our enmity for that team out east, to
curse the most boring team ever to
play our mighty game.
Yes, the season is on, and another year
of Hating must begin.
But first, a rebirth -- or rather, a
rebranding. We all know the importance
of acronyms, and this site hasn't had
one worthy of its repute (I Hate The
New England Patriots becomes IHTNEP,
not a pleasant mouthful if there ever
was one).
And so, a subtle rearrangement:
I hate the New England PaTriots,
or rather, in its full-frontal glory, INEPT.
Look it up in the dictionary, dear
Hatriot fan, and you will learn what this
site is really all about.